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The deadline for submitting applications is set for:

  • June 27, 2024 for foreign students.
  • September 6, 2024 for Italian students. 

We kindly remind all prospective candidates that applications must be received by this date to be considered for admission. 

Additionally, candidates must complete their undergraduate studies and obtain their degrees by July 31, 2024. This is a necessary prerequisite for enrolment into our program. 

We encourage all applicants to thoroughly review the application guidelines and ensure that all required documents are submitted by the specified deadline. Failure to meet the application deadline or graduation requirement may result in the inability to be considered for admission.


To access the second-level specializing Master’s program, candidates must hold an MSc academic degree (second cycle (master) degree, a postgraduate degree or 5-year/6-year postgraduate degree, laurea specialistica/magistrale), in accordance with the new Italian university system (pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Ministerial Decree 270/04), in one of the following areas:

  • Medicine and Surgery 
  • Veterinary Medicine 
  • Agricultural Science and Technology
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Livestock and Agricultural Science and Technology
  • Chemical Science
  • Biology
  • Agricultural Biology
  • Industrial Biotechnologies
  • Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
  • Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy
  • Human Nutrition
  • Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering

The teaching degree allowing access to a Master according to the new system includes the following classes:

  • LM-41 Medicina e Chirurgia
  • LM-42 Medicina Veterinaria
  • LM-69 Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie 
  • LM-70 Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari 
  • LM-86 Scienze Zootecniche e Tecnologie Animali
  • LM-54 Scienze Chimiche
  • LM-6 Biologia
  • LM-7 Biologie Agrarie
  • LM-8 Biotecnologie Industriali
  • LM-9 Biotecnologie Mediche, Veterinarie e Farmaceutiche
  • LM-13 Farmacia e Farmacia Industriale 
  • LM-61 Scienza della Nutrizione Umana
  • LM-71 Scienze e Tecnologie della Chimica Industriale
  • LM-22 Ingegneria Chimica

A license to practice is not required.

The admission process for the specializing Master's program involves 10 available spots for regular students.

Italian and foreign citizens (nationals of EU and non-EU countries) who have an academic qualification awarded in Italy.

Applicants with Italian degrees must submit various documents including:

  1. Copy of a valid ID card/passport, legible and duly signed,

  2. Copy of the Italian fiscal code (codice fiscale),

  3. Updated European Curriculum vitae, including details of all academic qualifications,

  4. Self-certification of the university degree, including marks and ECTS assigned to each exam,

  5. English language proficiency certificate - B2 First or higher (if available)
    English language fluency is essential for admission to the Master's program, so it will be assessed during the video presentation and interview.

  6. Motivation letter: It MUST also contain a link to a two-minute presentation video, and a text that summarizes your motivation to join this programme.
    Include any other comments that might help you succeed in the selection process.

  7. Letter of recommendation (if available)

  8. Presentation video in English (max 2 min)
    Motivation letter containing the link to the video presentation, fully in English, (mandatory) and Letter of recommendation (if available) must be uploaded as a single file.

    For any information or problem regarding the video presentation please contact us at

  9. Any other title that the candidate intends to present (certificates, publications, etc.).

Applications may also be submitted by candidates, of all nationalities, about to graduate in Italy (application under condition). In this case, the admission to the program is conditional on the Candidate submitting, by July 31, 2024, a valid certification of the obtained degree. If this does not happen, the candidate’s matriculation will automatically be nullified. Applicants applying under condition to attain their Italian Master’s Degree must upload a self-certification including transcripts of records with grades, weighted average and credits related to their Master’s Degree and their Bachelor’s Degree.


The specializing Master's program admits 10 students. Candidates must complete mandatory online pre-enrolment through the Università Cattolica portal. Applications will be evaluated based on specified criteria, leading to a merit ranking. Candidates who pass the first selection step will be invited to a remote English interview to assess their potential for the program and alignment of professional expectations with the course's goals and content. The initial round of interviews is scheduled to be conducted in April.

Assessment of qualifications (final grade and other qualifications)

Maximum score 30 points

Final grade of Laurea/ second cycle degree (or list of examinations taken during the Laurea Triennale and Laurea Magistrale/ 1th and 2nd cycle degree for candidates applying under condition - Italian degree qualification):

110-110L/110 or average examination score 28.1-30/30: 14 points
From 107 to 109/110 or average examination score 27.1-28.0/30: 12 points
From 104 to 106/110 or average examination score 26.1-27.0/30: 10 points
From 100 to 103/110 or average examination score 25.1-26.0/30: 8 points
=< a 99/110 or average examination score <25.0/30: 7 points

Maximum score
14 points

Others qualifications (e.g. other master degree, PhD, qualified training experiences, research scholarships, etc.)

Maximum score
3 points

Training certificates

Maximum score
3 points

Motivation (as resulting from the uploaded video)

Maximum score
10 points

Personal Interview – Only the best 36 ranked students shall be eligible for personal interview

Maximum score 70 points





Following the interview, applicants will be ranked based on their performance. To be admitted to the Master's program, candidates must achieve a minimum score of 80/100. Preference will be given to candidates with the highest degree scores if multiple applicants achieve the same score. Possession of ECTS credits may enhance a candidate's ranking but won't automatically grant credit recognition. Selection details will be published on the Master's website, and eligible candidates will be notified via email. All admission-related communications will be posted on the Master's and University websites. Admitted candidates will be listed in a final ranking published on both websites, serving as official notification without further personal correspondence.

The registration fee for the Master's program is €5,000. All candidates admitted to the specializing Master, enrolling in the course for the first time, are entitled to a scholarship generously provided by the "Piera, Pietro, and Giovanni Ferrero Foundation." This grant covers the total tuition fees for the program. The possibility of an additional grant, aimed at assisting students with the costs of room, board, and other activities, will be discussed during the interview and will depend on the budget allocated by the Foundation for this extra support for Master's students


To access the second-level specializing Master’s program, candidates must hold an MSc academic degree in the following areas:

  • Medicine and Surgery 
  • Veterinary Medicine 
  • Agricultural Science and Technology
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Livestock and Agricultural Science and Technology
  • Chemical Science
  • Biology
  • Agricultural Biology
  • Industrial Biotechnologies
  • Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
  • Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy
  • Human Nutrition
  • Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering

A license to practice is not required.

Candidates with international qualification

If you are currently attending a non-Italian University and/or have obtained a non-Italian degree or qualification, please visit this webpage, where you can find dedicated information on how to apply:

Candidates with international qualification

If you are currently attending a non-Italian University and/or have obtained a non-Italian degree or qualification, please visit this webpage, where you can find dedicated information on how to apply:

The registration fee for the Master's program is €5,000. All candidates admitted to the specializing Master, enrolling in the course for the first time, are entitled to a scholarship generously provided by the "Piera, Pietro, and Giovanni Ferrero Foundation." This grant covers the total tuition fees for the program. The possibility of an additional grant, aimed at assisting students with the costs of room, board, and other activities, will be discussed during the interview and will depend on the budget allocated by the Foundation for this extra support for Master's students